Inactive Project
I found that time was spent mostly on graphics instead of content. I am still figuring out how to balance between quality and exposure.
💡 About
@zi1sik1 (知識 in Jyutping) is an Instagram page that shares knowledge in plain language and illustrations.
Unlike other similar pages, @zi1sik1 shares knowledge from reliable sources like academic papers and reports from institutes.
It also shares worth-reading articles that might not come from "credible sources" like personal blogs, after confirming that the content is real and valuable.
🧠 Rationale
Ideas worth spreading
I often wish to share my knowledge with others.
I noticed many "knowledge" pages on Instagram often do not provide good, useful, or genuine information.
Hence, I wanted to contribute something meaningful.
Thanks to the pandemic, I eventually started wrapping some of my knowledge into Instagram posts.
🖼️ Posts
Since the page is inactive for a while, let me share some of the previous posts here.
Keshav (2007) 的 “How to Read a Paper” 簡潔地描述了應如何高效地閱讀學術文獻。原文只有兩頁,筆者非常建議初入大學的朋友,及經常需要閱讀學術文獻的研究人員閱讀一下,定能有所脾益。
為了方便大家快速成為軍事磚家, @zi1sik1 特意與 @gunslinger_hk 合出推出俄國軍事理論系列,讓大家從俄國角度學習入門軍事理論 。
這篇為本系列開首之作,選材來自刊於官媒俄羅斯報、有關俄羅斯軍事主義的官方檔案(2014年版,為目前最新版本), 希望有助大家分析俄烏戰爭的局勢發展 。
這次要分享的文章是關於處理檔案中的機密訊息,由資訊安全公司 Bishop Fox 的首席研究員 Dan Petro 所撰寫。
簡單來說,要隱藏敏感資料, 還是老老實實地用黑色長條塗去,不要作小聰明用馬賽克(打格仔)。
讀者文摘的英語叢書系列雖然有一定歷史,卻比當今市面上的所謂英語天書 來得更為優雅及詳盡,是各位學習英語的不二之選。
這次要分享的是書信的小技巧,無論是用中文或英文,如果想收信人更快、更樂意閱讀你的請求,書寫時都要謹記寫信的ABCs - Accuracy(準確), Brevity(簡潔), Clarity(清楚)。